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40 Hour Firearm Instructor


This course is open to all students. You DO NOT have to be LEO to take the class.

This 40 hour class fulfills all of the requirements for the TCOLE Firearms Instructor course (#2222) and students with a TCOLE PID will receive TCOLE credit for the course.

Class Description

I designed this course to have all of the information I wish I had when I first started teaching nearly 20 years ago.  We’ll spend most of our time developing you as an instructor, not as a shooter.  You’ll learn a lot about shooting, but our emphasis will be on helping you develop your students rather than yourself.

This course includes a day of instruction specific to optic equipped pistols.

The last day of this course the students in this class will teach a pistol class to novice shooters to get real world experience running a class and teaching real students, rather than just completing a teach back.  This is the only TCOLE instructor course available that offers this opportunity for real world experience before you go back to your agency.

This course satisfies all of the requirements for TCOLE 2222 and students with a PID will receive TCOLE credit for the course.

Class Details

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